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Does Using a Clock In And Out App Indicate A Lack Of Trust In The Workplace?

We can all agree that trust between employees and management is paramount to running a successful business. It becomes a problem when employees feel like their bosses don’t trust them because their hours are tracked by time clock software. Many sources even suggest that time tracking is bad for the workplace as it promotes micromanaging and can lead to false assessments about employee productivity.

Though there are many more reasons to use a clock in and out app other than lack of trust in employees, and in many cases, they are beneficial to both the employee and the business. In fact, proper use of time tracking can improve employee morale and productivity.

Accurate Pay for Hours Worked

For businesses that don’t work on a per-project basis, the benefits of a clock in and out app are numerous for employees. Tracking time with a time and attendance app can ensure that employees are paid correctly for the hours they are working. Manual timekeeping is often inaccurate and full of errors and can lead to longer times for employees to get paid and, in the worst cases, incorrect pay.

This will lead to conflict and lower morale among the workforce; it can lead to lower productivity as employees don’t feel valued appropriately for the work they produce. Since a simple time card app automatically tracks time and wages, there are no errors with reporting hours worked. What’s more, payroll integrations make it to where the data can be sent straight to the payroll for processing so that employees get paid on time and accurately every time.

Time Tracking Means LESS Micromanaging

Contrary to some sources, team time tracking means that managers have to oversee their employees less and tend to scrutinize their behavior less. With a manual job clock, a manager is responsible for ensuring that employees arrive, work their shifts, and turn in their timesheets at the end of the day or week. This means that a manager constantly looks over the employees’ shoulders to make sure they are there on time and working. This can lead to frustration and a lot of wasted productivity on both sides of the business.

A clock in and out app tracks time and attendance automatically so that managers only need to glance at the time clock to know who’s working and who hasn’t shown up for their shift. It also makes certain things more manageable, like calling in extra help, approving time off requests, and addressing absenteeism.

Managers can do most scheduling and other tasks much more quickly and efficiently than by manual means. They can even address issues in real-time, rather than waiting on employees to report problems and then trying to fix them afterward.

Accommodating Employee Needs

Another added benefit of a clock in and out app is that employees can easily see their schedules and adjust to their work routines. It is easier to alter the work schedule or make changes in a fluid environment than manual time tracking or no time tracking.

As with absenteeism, if there is an issue with an employee, it is much easier for management to address it and make changes with the help of an employee scheduling tool. For instance, if an employee has trouble coming in at their scheduled time, it is effortless for managers to swap shifts or adjust their schedule to something more suitable. This is also true if an employee is having a tough time with a particular task; managers can move employees around or call in help if needed.

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